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Canada Interest Rates Housing

Homeowners Brace for Higher Mortgage Rates

Interest rates expected to rise in the coming months

Experts advise homeowners to prepare for increased costs

For years, homeowners have enjoyed the luxury of low interest rates. But that's about to change. Mortgage rates are expected to rise in the coming months, and experts are advising homeowners to prepare for increased costs.

The average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rate is currently around 6%, but it's expected to rise to 7% or even 8% by the end of the year. This means that homeowners who refinance or take out new mortgages will be paying significantly more in interest.

For example, a homeowner with a $300,000 mortgage who refinances at a 6% interest rate will pay $1,625 in monthly interest payments. If the interest rate rises to 8%, the monthly interest payments will increase to $1,925.

This increase in interest costs can have a significant impact on homeowners' budgets. For many, it will mean cutting back on other expenses or even selling their homes.

Experts recommend that homeowners take steps now to prepare for higher mortgage rates. This includes:

  • Locking in a low interest rate on a mortgage
  • Increasing monthly mortgage payments to pay down the principal faster
  • Saving for a larger down payment

By taking these steps, homeowners can minimize the impact of rising interest rates and protect their financial futures.
